Description based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act
Company Name
AFURI Co., Ltd.
Name of business operator
Nobutaka Hirata
Location of business
Postal code: 2430112
Address: 1412 Sumigaya, Kiyokawa Village, Aiko District, Kanagawa Prefecture
Business Contact Information
Telephone number: 046-280-4513
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 Closed: None (except New Year's holidays)
Sales price
The sales price will be the displayed amount (display price/tax included).
Payment method
payment method: Credit card payment, Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Paidy, smartphone payment (PayPay / LINE Pay / Merpay), convenience store payment, bank transfer, Pay-Easy, smartphone carrier payment (Docomo / au / Softbank), EPOS Easy Payment, au PAY
Product delivery time
As a general rule, we will ship your order within 3 days of receiving your delivery request.
Returns Policy
Generally, we do not accept returns unless the product is defective.
In order to provide our customers with safe and secure products, we manufacture, manage, and sell our products under strict quality control.
Reselling any products purchased from AFURI directly managed stores or outlets that sell our products (including vending machines) is strictly prohibited.